
Mostrando entradas de abril 6, 2018

Contribución a Talanoa

Dear Sir/Madam, We would like to confirm the successful upload of your input to the Talanoa dialogue for the topic(s) "How do we get there?". Please be informed that we might authenticate you as a stakeholder by verifying your identity. We will notify you if and when your inputs will be published. Below are the details of the submission received:   Talanoa Dialogue Platform   Name Rainer Hauser Role/Position Sociologist, consultor in social and human sciences Email hausermonju@gmail.com Phone Number (56) (9) 86691555 Type of stakeholder Non-Party stakeholder Organization Proyecto "Mejoramiento de la Resiliencia al Cambio Climático en la Pequeña Agriultura en la Región de O´Higgins", en Chile Website https://www.facebook.com/ Proyecto-Adaptaci%C3%B3n-al- Cambio-Clim%C3%A1tico- OHiggins-573616516351537/  ;  www.portalanoa.blogspot.com Input title MERO (Mejoramiento de Resiliencia en O´Higgins) Objective Respond to the COP23 call of action to all st